Day 19
>> Thursday, February 19, 2009
I got another new kit in the store, its called Words of Wisdom Volume 1, and is only one of hopefully many to come. I love good quotes, and especially if they have a great message that hits home for anyone. There is alot to be said about them, if only we can remember them when we need them. :o) check it out:

I've also got a Words of Wisdom Volume 2!

Nature's Beauty
There seems to be a lot of confusion to the links of Nature's Beauty, and what the freebie's actually are. I apologize, please understand that I am not advertising these freebies anywhere that doesn't explain exactly what it is. With that said, please read here to clarify what the links are all about.
Day 19 - Link expired
P.S - I made a few changes to my blog yesterday, and now it seems my side bar does not come up for some people. Can you folks let me know if you can see the side bar when you view this site? Just a simple yes or no in the comments section. Thank you so much.
Thanks so much!! :)
Ahhh, too bad I didn't know about this freebie sooner to get all the pieces! It is very pretty. Thank you very much for the pieces I did get. Happy Birthday tomorrow!
Thank you! Your designs are truly beautiful & fun :)
TY so very much for another FAB DL!!!!!!!!!!
I have no problem viewing your side bar!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for today's piece. I can see your side bar no problem. Happy birthday for tomorrow (I will be otu of town or I'd wish it to you tomorrow)
Thanks again:)
thank you for the beautiful kit. and yes the side bar is there
Thank you! And I see the side bar.
Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 19 Feb [LA 07:00pm, NY 10:00pm] - 20 Feb [UK 03:00am, OZ 02:00pm] ).
thank you so much for all the goodies
love this qp...thank you for sharing
Thank you so much for sharing!
No, it isn't showing up.
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