Day 18
>> Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Chris here of the K2KreativeKrew today filling in for Kris. Have you seen this kit in the store at PDW? It is one of my very favorite - Science Experiment! It's fabulous for school or science pages or to highlight those photos of the cute and curious in your life. While you are there check out the Fairy Wings as well.

"There seems to be a lot of confusion to the links of Nature's Beauty, and what the freebie's actually are. I apologize, please understand that I am not advertising these freebies anywhere that doesn't explain exactly what it is. With that said, please read here to clarify what the links are all about." Kris Myers
Here's the link for Nature's Beauty
Day 18 - Link expired
so much for todays lovely piece. I'm not clear on when this ends - is it the 20th (your birthday) or doe sit go until the end of the month?
Thanks again!
Thank you so much for this set!!! They are beautiful.
I wanna say a HUGE THANK YOU! I've been downloading everyday, and have not been thanking you! I love every piece of this kit, and look forward to it everyday.
TY so very much for todays GRAND DL!!!!!!!!!!!!
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