April Birthday Bash at SDD

>> Monday, April 02, 2012

For the month of April Scrappity Doo Dah is having all kinds of fun for their birthday. Store wide sales on April 1st, 15th and 30th. Individual sales every day, of course mine is April 4th you will find my store on sale for 40% off. and a fun treasure hunt with freebies and coupons. Read all about the happenings going on through out the month here.

Also, there will be lots of new releases coming out this week. Two full size kits and a couple of mini kits. Here are the mini kits that are already in the store.

First a very mini kit with a couple of papers and a handful of elements: 
Artisan Notebook Wedding

Autumn Skies Mini kit

Be on the look out for more full size kits coming out this week. :o)
Thanks for looking, 
Kris Myers Designs

Just in time for Valentines..

>> Monday, February 06, 2012

Just in time for Valentines. I've got a new release called Love's Mini Kit. Check it out
This kit is currently available at Scrap Delicious and Scrappity Doo Dah. Swing on by and pick it up. Then come by and share your layouts.

Work in Progress

Life has been insanely busy in my part of the woods. Alot of you know that I am a group exercise instructor 3/4 of my day, a mother of two beautiful kids and I dabble in design work. Well, I lost 7 classes on December 1st, when I club I was working at sold out to another club. So for the last few months I have been desperately trying to find work, which has been taking up all of my free time for anything else. Just in the last week, Ive had a few moments to design some things, and thought I would show you my work in progress. My mojo is lacking since my time is lacking, so its taking me awhile to get these done. But I hope to have them released soon. what do you think?

I would love to hear about the new styles that you all are loving right now. Is there anything new that you are finding incredibly fun to work with? Is there a new kit out there that you are just loving right now? Element pack? Enlighten me with some of the kits out there that you are loving.

Do you have a work in progress that you are working on? Share with others here

Cyber Sales & New Product

>> Monday, November 28, 2011

Lets get straight to the good stuff. Right now I've got Cyber Sales going on through Wednesday, November 30th, 2011.

Scrappity Doo Dah 30% off entire store

Scrap Delicious 40% off entire store.

You will also find these brand new kits in the store available to play with. :o)

A Touch of Sun Photo Challenge

>> Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I  recently did another photo shoot involving my Wedding Renewal this year. I just love the opportunity to get to play with photography. Its been a gradual growing experience. One I hope never ends. Here is a picture from my latest shoot.
My girlfriend Jacquie shot the picture, and I edited it with Pioneer Woman's Action Set #1
I just entered this photo in iheart's "A Touch of Sun" Photo Contest. Its my first entry into any contest, and I am looking forward to playing along. Check it out here: iHeart Photo you can also go their website through the image on the right hand column.

More new product, and more on the way.

I've got another new Element Pack in the stores, called Folded & Rolled Templates. Ohhh they fun you can do with this one. You can pick this up at Scrappity-doo-dah or Scrap Delicious
Check out some of the layouts done with these templates 

Last but not least, here is a sneak peak that is in the wrap up stages. As we bring an end to summer, this kit will help you scrap all of those BBQ's you attended or hosted.

New Products

>> Thursday, September 01, 2011

Howdy Folks, 

Summer is ending, and school is almost back in session in the Pacific Northwest. Guess what that means? I get design time, and lots of it. I'm super excited because this year my youngest will be in 1st grade and that means she will be in school all day. Yeah!!! Doing the happy dance here! I've already got some great kits in the works, that I think you are all going to LOVE. So lets start there. 

 I'm working a new Mega Kit that will be huge. Right now its called Vintage, but I think the name will get slightly altered. What can you imagine with this sneak peak?
Wanna see what has hit the stores over the last week? Lots of fun! Lets start with iCreate a kit that is available only at Scrap Delicious. 
Some layouts made with iCreate

Ohhh there is more. Have you ever wanted to scrapbook an event, and you had all these pictures that you wanted to use but you struggled with getting them all on one page? I have a solution for you. Its called Photo Collage and is available at Scrap Delicious and Scrappity Doo Dah
and there is more still...Lol. Yes, I have been busy. This kit is called Creative Fun. Its about inspiring your creativity. This kit is available at Scrappity Doo Dah and Scrap Delicious
Check out this fun Word Art kit sold separately 

Here are some fun layouts shown with this kit. Each has a different appeal to show you the versatility of this kit.

Scrap about a Vet!

>> Friday, May 27, 2011

Take a moment to scrap about a Veteran in your life, this Memorial Weekend. To make that easier, I'm offering my Memorial Day Mini Kit Free with any purchase in My store at Scrap Delicious. This promotion is available Friday, May 27th, 2011 through Monday, May 30th, 2011

Share your layouts here! It doesn't matter what kit you use, lets spread our appreciation for those that have kept our freedom! Scrap about those that are with us, and those that arent! Let's see them folks!

Five $1.00 Tweets at SDD

Check out the Five $1.00 Tweets available at Scrappity Doo Dah this weekend only!

Sooo much goodness

>> Monday, May 23, 2011

I have so much to tell you, where do I begin. My choice to add Scrap Delicious to my list of stores has been such a blessing. I feel so at home there, and there is so much opportunity to grow! You are going to see lots of goodies come to the store, as I continue to add old and new goodies.

This week I am the Featured Designer at Scrap Delicious, so I have my store on sale for 25% off. Swing on by and check it out. I bet there is something you haven't seen before. This sale ends 5/27/11.

Also, Kari and I have opened a new store at Scrap Delicious called K2 Designs. We also have a new collaboration with this add, and its full of spring goodness. Check it out:

Earth Week Sale

>> Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Its Earth Week, and what better way to celebrate than with a Digital Scrapbooking kit that keeps another tree from being cut down. In honor of this special occasion Kari and I have released "Earth's Reflections" to Scrap Delicious, and its on sale! 
25% off the individual kits and 40% off the entire collection! Sale ends Sunday, April 24th, 2011

Thank you for swinging by & Happy Earth Week

More BIG Announcements!

>> Thursday, April 07, 2011

I'm now a designer at Scrap Delicious! Yeah!!! I am super excited. Check out my new store here!

I'm also going to be adding my new Scrap Your Legacy Challenge there as well. Dont worry, it will still remain here, check the right hand side of your screen for a link to all the challenges. If you want to see at SD check out this link.

Come check out the new site, and say HI!

Brand New: Welcome Spring

Are you feeling the spring feeling where you live? If not, I hope this kit can bring some spring to your day. If so, capture the moment and scrap it with this fun vibrant kit, just released to SDD, DD and SD!
Here is an upclose view of the Elements. Notice the Alpha's included.

Here are some layouts I made with it.



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