Big News!

>> Tuesday, May 15, 2007

So its official! I'm a paid designer! I'm currently working with Scrap Digi Style! This is a brand new store that is already open. Go check it out. I cant tell you how excited I am to get to work with these wonderful women. Also, you have to check out my store! There's some stuff you've never seen before going in there. You are going to love what you find in there. This is big news for me, because I've been working really hard for this, and this was my goal. So I'm jumping out of my seat with excitement, and will take on this job like I do all of my others, full speed ahead. But dont you worry now, the freebies will still be coming. I wont forget about you. If it werent for all of you, then I wouldnt be here today. So thank you! Now watch out for this logo, cause its going to get popular, and you are not going to want to miss out on this one. Click on logo to go to Scrap Digi Style.

More exciting news! My sister is going to have her baby tomorrow!!!! Yeah! I'm going to be an auntie again. I'm so excited. I will be silently cheering her on tomorrow. I cant wait to get to meet her. Everyone pray for my sister to have a safe delivery tomorrow. Its scheduled, if you were wondering how we knew. lol. I will keep you all posted on the good news.


HG 4:32 AM  

Congratulations Kris! You totally deserve it, your designs are amazing and I know you're gonna sell the heck outta them! :)

And congrats on your new neice coming tomorrow! I've got my second neice coming around the 24th! :)

Anonymous,  7:39 AM  

CONGRATS!!! I'm so happy for you and your new paid gig! :o)

Kristy C

Scoobie81 (Lisa) 7:56 AM  

WHOOOOHOOOOO Can we say we knew you when??? LOL I'm very happy for you, Kris! And to have another little one to hug and hold...

Anonymous,  9:53 AM  

COngrats on being a paid designer will check out the store! Also congrats on becoming an aunt!

Joanna 11:29 AM  

This is great and I´m so happy for you.

Anonymous,  12:25 PM  

Hiya! Just discovered your site through a link from Heather's and wanted to say I love your designs! I've just been browsing through, reading and snagging some of your wonderful freebies and wanted to say thank you so much for sharing. Congrats and good luck 'going pro' as a designer - you've got a great career ahead of you!!!

Anonymous,  3:17 PM  

Congratulations Kris!

Anonymous,  4:40 PM  

Congrats on the store - have peeked in on the site and it looks wonderful!

Anonymous,  7:23 PM  

Great news Kris. Looking forward to seeing your work.

Cher 1:58 AM  

Congrats Kris - but to me you have been a famous designer since I have known you - silly!!! Hope all goes well for sis and babe tomorrow - <:} YAY!!!!!!!!!!!
Hugs - Cher M
Will wriye in am - typing in dark>"}

Anonymous,  12:28 PM  

A Big, Big BIG congrats to ya! You're gonna do great and make TONS of money, I just know it!

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