Da Bomb!
>> Thursday, October 18, 2007
Well, it was brought to my attention that "I" was Da Bomb! and I cant tell you how good that made me feel! I'm always so excited when I can impact someone's life in a good way! So I thought I would make a few people's day today (or night) Lol. So here are a few Designers that I think are Da Bomb!
I'm going to start with the trouble maker that got me into this. Lol
KariQ: aka my Sister. I would love to blame her for all this fun, but I cant, since I was the one who has to make the stand and take the blame. But I wouldnt have gotten this far with out my lil sis! We've been at each others side through out this whole adventure, running ideas off of each other, going over tuts together. Trying to make sense of it all. We both have very different styles, which is good for us! Could you imagine if we didnt? I personally think we have a nice contrast to each others style. Either way, she's my buddy, and my fellow designing sister! Thank you sis, for playing with me on this one!
ScrappyPony: Well, there is no way I could not get away with mentioning Heather! Heather RAWKS! I love her designs, I love her personality, and I love her style. We have alot in common... Love of Photography, the cowboy way of life (especially Rodeo), and designing. Heather and I talk off and on, depending on how busy we are. But she has been very helpful to me in so many ways. I love to just shoot the uhhh...talk with her.. lol. She is just an awesome buddy. But. pst... dont tell her. I remember how we met. :O) I had been following her designs when she first started. I noticed her style right off the bat. And thought, hmmm... this lady might be going places if she keeps up the way she's going. So I watched, and I lurked, and I lurked some more, and then one day she came out with this kit! Ohhhh it is so beautiful..So I posted about it on my blog! Then I went and bought it. Ohhh still to this day I can see that kit in my mind. It was a huge paper pack.Do you think I could remember the name of it? Nope, but I can see it in my head. Wait until about 3am.. I will remember then...Either way! Go check her out! Here style has grown into the most beautiful work, and I can honestly say I purchase her stuff!!! I just love it. And hey, why not support a friend right?
Misty Cato: Well, I dont Misty all that well, but I think I can definitely refer to her as the Da Bomb. Why? you ask? Well, her tuts and her style, and her life have inspired me to do great things. We are on a group together, and have shared small talk, but just kicking back watching what she does is very inspiring to me. Our styles are different, but her work is still amazing to me. I think of Misty Cato as someone that I would like to be when I grow up! Hah! But I'm not going to grow up... So I will keep dreaming! Lol. :o)
Fantacy aka Hillbilly Scraps: Gosh where do you begin with this one. :o) Fantacy was on my design team, highly referred to me by CT leader. What a great match! I love her work, I love her style, I love her personality. This girl always has me rollin' on the ground! I love chatting with her. Her personality will rawk your world. Fantacy is a new designer, that I forsee taking the world by storm! Her designs are awesome! If you have a chance go check her out! She will amaze you! And if you talk to her....well.....its not my fault you sides get sore from laughing. I warned you! :o) ROFL!
Ok. I have to leave it at that! Not that there arent other people that I think are Da Bomb, but its late and I have to get me some much needed shut eye. But before I leave I would just like to list a few other names that I think are Da Bomb, and well, you'll just have to keep wondering why! :o) (btw, they are in no particular order)
Amy Cheeseman, Michelle Coleman, Jen Wilson....and so many more to come!
Thank you, Kris for the wonderful comments! ;) You are Da Bomb Diggity Fresh! :)
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